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Insider Q & A: Tiffany Peery on How to Get Hired at Intel (& Why Not to Mistake Your Recruiter for an Engineer)

June 29th, 2011

Tiffany Peery is a Virtual Recruiting and Marketing Program Manager at Intel Corporation.  She has been doing engineering recruiting for more than 11 years and got her start at Intel in Portland.  She now works out of the Arizona office and has a specific focus on attracting Recent College Graduates and Interns to the organization.

We sat down and spoke with her for a Q & A on how hiring works at Intel. (You can also learn more by following her on Twitter.)

Intel is the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer. What positions do you hire for in addition to hardware engineering and manufacturing? Are there any other big areas you are hiring for right now? 

Software, software, software! Most people don’t know it, but Intel is the 5th largest software employer in the world. We have two major groups that do the bulk of our software hiring – Software and Services Group (SSG) and our Intel Architecture Group (IAG). They do some AWESOME/EXCITING work!

Anything many applicants are surprised to learn about working at Intel? For example, when we spoke to a Google recruiter recently, he shared with us that he’s hired applicants who did not have college degrees. 

I think people are often surprised by some of the perks of working for Intel. We don’t talk a lot about every benefit you get on day one. Most are familiar with our Sabbatical program, it is pretty fabulous. Did you know we have Onsite Health Centers and gyms, free fruit/beverages, discounts on technology and vacations, etc. though? That and much more!

Any bad assumption that you’ve seen job seekers make in applying for jobs?

Well, the number one bad assumption is that Intel is a strictly hardware company. I’ve had candidates shocked when I told them I was looking for a solid software engineer. Some just don’t realize we ROCK this space! They envision all of us sporting bunny suits or doing chip design. That’s just not the case (although we do <3 our hardware peeps!).

How does a candidate get your attention?

An amazing skill set/resume never hurts their chances. It does go beyond that though. I’m looking for someone that has passion and drive. Both at work and at play. I am drawn to the person that knows exactly what they want and isn’t afraid to go after it! 

What makes a great candidate beyond the experience and skills required for the job?

Innovation. I love the person that is constantly thinking about “what’s next”. At Intel, we’ve gone through some pretty major transformation over the years and it’s only just begun. The opportunities here are boundless. What we do changes the lives of millions across the world. I love to see people that are passionate about making a global impact! 

Do you have any “never do” tips for individuals in working with recruiters? 

This may sound like a no brainer, but try not to insult your recruiter. I’ve encountered people that have had “off days” and said things out of frustration, that maybe they later regret (or maybe they don’t). It’s hard to take that back though. Remember that sometimes your recruiter is your best hope for getting connected to the right opportunity. Vent to a friend instead. 

Are there any questions I haven’t asked that I should be asking? What’s the question, and what’s your answer?

People always want to know how to get the most eyes on their resume at Intel. Yes, we get a lot of applications every day. So how do you stand out? My best advice is to remember recruiters aren’t always engineers. Make your resume “recruiter friendly” and buzz word rich. Also, get connected with people in the company! We love employee referrals. Find out who you know and start leaning on them! They get paid for referring and you get the job. Win/Win!

Use it now—actionable—advice for job seekers:

Get connected with our recruiters today. We are on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr… you name it. We LOVE the chance to talk to people about our opportunities and steer them in the right direction. Heck, if you aren’t actively looking today, that doesn’t mean a connection made now is a waste. I have people I met 5 years ago pinging me today to see what’s up at Intel. I love it!

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