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Leads for Small Group Networking in Big Cities

February 20th, 2011

Making personal connections in a metro area with millions of people can be tough, here are three networking resources which can help you forge personal connections on a more manageable scale. All of these groups are active in the Big Apple, but you can find events in other local areas as well. (Bernardo says he has over 12,000 subscribers in Silicon Valley, too!)

  1. MeetUp.com (Go online to find groups who share your interests. Than meetup offline. Some groups are small, others—such as NY’s Tech Meet-Up—are huge. We’d be surprised if you don’t find any groups that meet your interest. If you are in the job market, check out groups in your field of interest—and groups for job seekers at-large. MeetUp groups are offered world-wide.)
  2. Bernardo’s List (Ever know anyone who seems to know everyone? Bernardo and his friends appear to be like this. And they list events they know about—from cocktail parties and happy hours to networking breakfasts and conferences.)
  3. Idealist.org (Events list covers opportunities for networking and education, with a focus on non-profit, education and social good sectors.)

Do you have any other favorite lists for finding local events and conferences in your neighborhood. Drop us a line; we’d be delighted to share them!

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