Home > Employment Buzz > Boston Tech Security Conference 4/14 (Free Registration)

Boston Tech Security Conference 4/14 (Free Registration)

April 13th, 2011

If you’re in Beantown and you want to work in a position with IT security, there’s a networking event that you may want to attend. Event’s set for tomorrow April 14 at the Longwharf Marriott. Eventful reports on the details…

The Boston Tech-Security Conference features 25-30 vendor exhibits and several industry experts discussing current tech-security issues such as email security, VoIP, LAN security, wireless security, USB drives security & more. There will be lots of give a ways and prizes such as iPods, $25, $50 and $100 gift cards, as well as cash prizes and lots more! This unique conference format will provide educational speaker sessions as well as tremendous networking opportunities.

If you can’t make the meeting, follow the Twitter hashtag: #EVbosto7644. As this conference is one in a series of events sponsored nationwide by Data Connectors, you may want to check out the calendar for an event near you at a later date.
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