Home > Employment Buzz > Basho raises $7.5M to expand sales & marketing team.

Basho raises $7.5M to expand sales & marketing team.

February 15th, 2011

Link: Basho raises $7.5M to expand sales & marketing team.

Basho makes a NoSQL product called Riak.  This deal not only brings cash but a strategic relationship with a European distributor.

According to Founder & COO, Tony Falco, there will be heavy hiring in the sales & marketing arena.  The article in Mass High Tech News states: With 25 people on a distributed team based in Cambridge, Basho plans to hire heavily in marketing and sales, Falco said. “Of 25 people, about 20 of us are engineers,” he said. “Going forward, we’re going to add distribution and marketing.”

If I were looking for work in sales & marketing, this looks like a sweet gig. I’d get an intro to Falco or the CEO, Earl Galleher.

And btw, here are their active jobs

Also, you never know who your network knows at a company. Use StartWire to keep your trusted network in the loop on your job search and opportunities like Basho may fall in your lap!

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