Texas Instruments Jobs

Texas Instruments is hiring! Sharing some key insights about the company. Take a look at the jobs that are posted and ready for you to apply! Be one of the first applicants.

Jobs Most Recently Posted by Texas Instruments

Company Overview: Texas Instruments

About Texas Instruments

Number of stores:
$12.82 billion (2012)
Dallas, TX
Rich Templeton
Texas Instruments designs and produces semiconductors, which are needed by electronics manufacturers and designers around the world. They trail only Samsung and Intel in terms of the volume of semiconductors that they produce. Texas Instruments is based in Dallas, Texas, and the company employs more than 34,000 people. They have a reputation for being one of the most ethical companies in the world.

How to Apply For a Job at Texas Instruments


You can search and apply for jobs at Texas Instruments directly through your StartWire account. When you apply through us, we will provide you with automatic updates each time the status of your application changes. This means that you will always know when your application has been read and if you are still being considered for the position that you applied for. Apply now

Apply online

You can also search for jobs at Texas Instruments through their hiring website. If you do choose to apply through their site instead of ours, don't forget to come back to your StartWire account and tell us about your application so we can help you keep your job search as efficient and organized as possible.

The Texas Instruments Application Process

For this application guide, we applied for a job as an Applications Engineer. Though the application process will be pretty much identical for all positions at Texas Instruments, it's possible that your experience could vary a little bit depending on the position that you are applying for.

Before you can begin the Texas Instruments application, you will need to create an account on their hiring site. To register, you will simply need to provide your email address (this will be your username), an account password, and an answer to a security question.

Once your account is created, you will have the opportunity to provide your resume and cover letter. If you haven't done so already, take some time to customize both documents for Texas Instruments and the position that you are applying for. This is your opportunity to express your genuine interest to work for the company, and explain exactly how your previous experiences have prepared you for the job. While it may be possible to get an interview with a generic resume and cover letter, it isn't a practice that we would ever recommend.

If you don't have a resume or cover letter and have absolutely no interest in creating one, you can fill out a profile on their hiring site and apply that way. We have no insight into Texas Instruments' hiring practices, but we can't imagine that skipping over the resume and cover letter uploads will make you a *more* attractive candidate. So skip over them at your own risk.

Over the course of the application, you will be asked to provide a variety of different personal information including your name, address, phone number, email address, web address (if applicable), work experience, education history, and any relevant attachments you might have (ie: a design portfolio).

After your personal information is provided, you are almost finished. You will just need to answer some questions about your citizenship and your authorization to work in the United States.

At the end of the application, you will have the chance to review your application before you submit it. Check over all the information that you provided. Once you're happy with it, go ahead and submit your application.

How to Get Updates on Your Texas Instruments Application

When you apply for a job at Texas Instruments through your StartWire account, we will provide you automatic application updates. These updates are designed to take the mystery out of the online application process by letting you know when your application has been read, and if you are still being considered for the positions you've applied for. Sign up now

Who is Texas Instruments Hiring?

Texas Instruments is an equal opportunity employer.

Jobs available at Texas Instruments

There are far too many jobs available at Texas Instruments to list all of them here. However, most can be categorized into the following functional areas: administration, communications, engineering, executive management, facilities, finance, human resources, information technology, accounting, legal, manufacturing, purchasing, quality control, sales and marketing, and technicians.

One of the great things about large companies like Texas Instruments is that there are positions within the company that are perfect for people from many different areas of interest and levels of expertise. If you are passionate about working for Texas Instruments and you're willing to be patient, chances are good that you will eventually find an opportunity within the company that would make a great fit for you.

Business Summary


Rich Templeton is the Chairman, President, and CEO of Texas Instruments.


Texas Instruments is a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: TXN). In 2012 they reported $12.82 billion in revenue, $1.97 billion in operating income, $1.75 billion in net income, $20.06 billion in assets, and $10.96 billion in equity.

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