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3 Ways to Achieve Interview Success

You finally got that coveted interview, and you’re excited about the position and company, but now what?

Despite given the green flag to interview for the position, remember that there is a reason they call it an “interview”.  You still need to prove that the job should be yours.  The confidence you need to approach the interview is realizing that there is a reason they want you for an interview.  Your resume and skills seem promising to them, and there is a high chance that they find you the best match for the position.  Now you need to take this assumption on their part, and turn it into a concrete belief.

So how do you make this happen?

1. Be Human


The term “Interview” stands for a discussion, a meeting, a DIALOGUE.  The most important step is to have a dialogue with the employer.  People mistakenly see the interview as a one-way conversation where the employer asks the questions, and the interviewee needs to respond with the “right” answers.

Instead, it’s advantageous to realize that the employer is another person—another human who enjoys a good conversation like any other person.  When they interview a prospective candidate, they want to see that the candidate is personable and relatable.  They want to be able to envision you working in their company, interacting with their current employers, and fitting well with your co-workers.  The interview will be a bigger success if the interviewer finds that the conversation was less about answering questions and more about forming a connection between two people.  What it comes down to in the end is: If they find you likeable, they’ll want to hire you.

2. Research and Prepare


Interviews are like exams.  If you walk into an exam unprepared, the chances of failing the exam increase.  Similarly, you need to study for an interview as well.

First, do any basic research on the company.  What industry are they in?  Are there any recent press releases or news related to the company?  This may be a great talking point with the interviewer.

Next, your job is to figure out what type of interview will be conducted.  By knowing what to expect, you can refine skills suited for that interview type.

Different types of interviews:

  • Behavioral Interview– This interview type gauges how you react to or “behave” in situations and will ask you for “real life” examples.
  • Case Interview– This interview tests your problem-solving skills and employers want to see how you’ll rationalize and think through a problem.
  • Group Interview– The group interview is designed to see how you interact with others, and your ability to make your input heard in a group setting.
  • Lunch and Dinner Interview– These interviews show the employer how a candidate behaves in a social setting, and whether they can maintain their professionalism over lunch/dinner.   Mainly, these interviews gauge whether you are qualified to hold lunch or dinners with future clients.
  • Public Interview– This interview is more casual, but shows the employer how you react in a public setting.
  • Panel/Committee Interview– This interview type involves being interviewed by more than one interviewer.  There may or may not be other candidates simultaneously being interviewed in the same room.  This interview is designed to test your group management and group presentation skills.
  • Stress Interview-The stress interview shows the employer how you react under stressful situations.   The employer will deliberately react in ways to test how you respond or recover.

After prepping for the appropriate interview type, don’t forget to find out an important piece of information—directions to the interview room!

3. Be Confident, Smile


You can’t convince the employer to be confident in your abilities if you aren’t confident in yourself.  Know that every person is different, and your own unique experiences offer something promising to their plate of candidates.  Take your strong points, and let them shine.

Hold your head up, smile, and be yourself.  Walk into that interview room confident because you have exactly what it takes to make that job yours. 

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